Tuesday, May 8, 2012

El Nido - Palawan

A remote location on Palawan's northern coast, El Nido is arguably one of the Philippines' most beautiful areas. Named after the town that is the area's one and only hub. El Nido consists of an archipelago of small islands scattered across sheltered Bacuit Bay. The bays landscapes is formed largely of almost sheer karst limestones cliffs similar to those seen in the wonderful mountain peaks of southwest China or southern Thailand, some plunging hundreds of metres straight into the sea. Among these cliffs are scattered occasional golden sandy beaches, each usually backed by a small clusters of coconut palms and reachable only by boat. it is hard to imagine anywhere better for those wanting to really escape the rat race and play at being Robinson Crusoe for a while.

Below: The coast around El Nido is characterized by enormous limestone cliffs, the less steep parts covered with dense rainforests.

Below left: This particularly spectacular karst limestone pinnacle and cliffs stands guard over the approach to Lagen Island, one of many rocky islands in El Nido's Bacuit Bay.

Below right: At dusk the stunning outlines of the  limesone rocks and cliffs in Bacuit Bay. as seen here on Lagen Island. Become really  apparent, while  the soft colours give a sense of calm and peace.

Above: One of the great attractions of beautiful Bacuit Bay is the number of beaches that lie in many of the small coves, allmost accessible only day boat. Shown here is Seven Commandoes Beach quite close to El Nido town.

Above: A street scene in El Nido town. with motor tricycles, the local taxi, and signs in Spanish (the guesthouse), English (American names on the tricycles), and native Pilipino (Advertising in the shop).

Left: On El Nido town's central plaza, a pleasant space outside local government buildings, motor tricycles wait for passengers in the shades of a stunninglu beautiful tree

Above right: Using a bamboo pole to manoeuvre a Banca away from a beach in Bacuit Bay. The engines of many Philippine Bancas have no reverse gear, so backing away from the shore can be a tricky process

Below Right: El Nido's harbour consists of a huge, natural harbour, sorrounded by high cliffs and forested hills. Hundreds of boats sit on moorings, using the beach as their passenger and cargo pick-up and drop-off area.

Below: A dusk view of the beautiful Lagen Island Resort, showing some of it's bungalows, standing on stilts in the shallows of a protected cove, and backed by sheer limestone cliffs.

Below:  The bar and restaurant area of the exclusive Lagen Island Resort sits right besides the shore in sheltered cove on Lagen Island deep in Bacuit Bay.

Below:  Most visitors coming to stay at Lagen Island and Miniloc Island Resort arrive bye air, The resort have their own jeepney that shuttles their guests from the airport to the harbour for the boat ride out to the island.

Below: Coconut palms stand clear of rainforest and backed by sheer cliffs on Lagen Island. While many of Bacuit Bay's islands are forested, on Lagen Island the presence of a resort has greatly improved that island's forest protection.

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